Saturday, May 29, 2021

Summer Foundations

We have been studying the Apostle's Creed at Wednesday night Bible Study.  It has been fun looking at the origin of this confession of the fundamental things we must believe.  This was important for a church that had so many heretical beliefs.  You know what I am talking about.  People expressing elitist theology that they have "special" knowledge about God.  To know that truth you must join them and be "awakened" (Gnostics).  Others worshipped legalistic beliefs that said if you complied with the rules, you could be part of their sect (Judaizers).  Still others tried to say that the Old Testament God (Jehovah) wasn't the same as the New Testament God (the Father who sent Jesus) and that Jesus wasn't born, real (they thought He was Spirit) and that there was no judgment (Marcionism).  If you really ponder these three factions you might also say, "Wait preacher ... I see those ideas in political and religious extremes today!"  You would be right!

A woman wrote a letter to a bishop of the denomination.  It was a letter about looking to Scripture for God's plan and truth, rather than looking to the world for that truth.  The woman was soundly chastised.  How dare she question the fallibility of a bishop!  How dare she question the decisions of one so learned and informed!  These are the people in high leadership in many of our denominations.  Elitist, gnostic, humanistic or just plain narcissistic, this bishop had become a modern-day purveyor of heretical ideas. And this is why we, as the local Church, must continue to teach and preach from God's Word, rather than man's opinion.

So ... I will spend the summer on several of the foundations of our beliefs.  I will call the series PURPOSE!  What is God's purpose in the world?  What does Scripture say about that purpose?  We will start with a purpose passage all of us should know ... John 3:16 (and associated verses) ...  "For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life."  Simple, beautiful truth.  Life-giving truth.  Truth for everyone (in the south, 'all you'uns').

I think this will be fun, informative, foundational and, in the context of a turned-around world, centering.  Let's jump into this summer study of God's Purpose together!  Thanks!  Randy

Monday, May 24, 2021

Broccoli or Bear Claw

I've been on a little kick lately.  I have learned that I am either losing or gaining weight ... there is no stasis position.  So, what do you do?  You focus, you concentrate and you learn from your own and other people's experiences.  You grow!

After Pentecost, we gather and have a propensity to go back to that comfortable, cozy and contented state where we look for what tastes good, rather than to strive for what is good.  I am a master at this!

Every day, as I have made my way through stores and eating establishments, I have had choices.  I was in Panera Bread one day and saw that wonderful display of good stuff.  Pastries, breads and the dreaded bear claw.  I love them ... I admit it!  But while I am trying to get myself to a lower carbohydrate situation, I know which one is a good choice.  I got the strawberry/poppyseed salad and called it a day.

But more important things are out there than these choices.  Last week I said to BE the Church I must BE patient, BE filled, BE out there, BE connected, BE thick-skinned and BE in awe of God.  Now, comes the test.  It's easy to preach that stuff.  It's easy to read and learn about low-carb foods.  It is hard to apply those things we must BE as we follow God.  It is hard to BE disciplined, taught, led, changed and transformed by God from "of the world," to "in the world" and "of Christ" (Romans 12:2).  It is a daily choice.  Sometimes it is a minute-by-minute choice.

The world is a pastry case filled with lots of stuff that looks good.  Doughnuts, honey buns, bear claws, greed, arrogance, contentiousness ... things that feel right when we follow a feelings-based world.  But, if we want to stay in shape, be fit for service in God's plan, and be lean, ready, locked and loaded, we must make some choices.  So ... bear claw or broccoli?  Which will you choose?  Randy

Sunday, May 16, 2021

A God Like That! A Church Like That!

Often the mainline churches play down the day of Pentecost.  Maybe it is because we do not understand what the term means.  Pentecost means 50th, seven weeks and one day after the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  It is also called the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of First Fruits (lots of names for a holiday!).  While Christians celebrate this day about 50 days after Easter, one of the festival names strikes me as very appropriate.  It is the name ... Feast of First Fruits.

If you read the story of Pentecost from Acts Chapter 2, you will see a group of disciples that became bold.  You will see God assert His power upon the people of the new Church.  These folks became excited and they invested themselves into the life of the Church ... they placed their "first fruits" into action!  And we are told, in Malachi 3:10, that when we give to God what God deserves, God will open the very storehouses of heaven!  And this is exactly what God does!

   1. God opens the mouths of timid disciples, formerly unqualified for the task, and gives them the message and the boldness to proclaim it!  

   2. God opens the ears of the hearers so that this message is received in their own language!  

   3. God opens the people to the context of worship and lets them hear, consider and decide!  

   4. God (through the work of the Holy Spirit) opens and convicts the hearts of the hearers so that they can leave the past and enter the future of life abundant!  

The word says, God adds to the Church daily!  And God engenders a deep sense of awe among those who choose Him!  

We need a God like that and we need a Church like that!  For what happened in Acts is as true, as relevant and as powerful today as it ever was.  That power is entering the streets of a multitude of nations, and our nation needs a God like that!  So pray for it.  Live it out, for you are the missional Church here in America.  You are asked to offer your first fruits! You are those who can tell, show and proclaim (through your lives) the Good News that "we serve a risen Savior, who is in the world today ... we know that He is living, whatever men may say!"  God says if we do this He will open the very storehouses of heaven!  We need a God like that! Randy

Monday, May 10, 2021


At a conference several weeks ago, the main speaker (Carolyn Moore) spoke about thresholds.  You know ... that little strip of wood, metal or plastic that is part of moving from one room to another, at the bottom of the door frame.  Two other definitions are also applicable ... the end of a runway or the place or point of entering or beginning.  Grooms carry brides over thresholds as a symbol of a new beginning.  Planes lift off into the sky.  People go from one room to another.  Life is filled with thresholds.

When I heard Carolyn Moore talk about thresholds, I knew this was appropriate, applicable and informative as a theme for our message to our graduates today.  They are lifting off.  They are going from one room to another.  They are stepping through a door.

I love the story of Elisha and the chariots of fire (2 Kings 6:8-23).  Elisha's compound is oppressed, and seemingly surrounded by the enemy (Syrian forces).  Elisha's servant is asking, "What shall we do?"  Elisha says 2 things.  First, he tells his servant, "Don't be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them!"  Then, he prays, "Oh Lord, open his eyes so that he may see!"  The servant opens his eyes and the hills are filled with horses and chariots of fire!  It is a great story about faith, prayer and God's provision.

Three points about the story.  When you go across or through a threshold, you have some level of fear.  Our graduates have been in school most of their lives, and now they are entering a new place.  Maybe school, maybe learning a trade, definitely new expectations and responsibilities.  Whether you like it or not, life will change.  But don't be afraid ... those who are for you are more numerous that those who are against you.  This room is full of people who are for you.  If you choose your companions well (this is key!) those friends will be honest and supportive (they might even tell you when you are heading into a ditch).  

When you cross a threshold, you often find the lighting is different in the new room.  Things can look scary.  Maybe the light is too bright or maybe there are shadows and grey areas.  We collectively pray that you will open your eyes and see clearly.  Now lots of people will try to paint a picture that causes you to see what they want you to see.  News media are experts at this.  Social media, TV and other "informational" outlets are expert at this.  Google even filters what you see by the expected perspective of the area in which you live.  In more progressive areas you might get progressive results.  In more conservative areas you might get conservative results.  God, and Elisha accentuates this, wants you to see what is actually there.  So do we, for the truth will set you free!

Finally, see the rest of the story.  One would think that this scenario would end in a great battle in which God's forces decimate the enemy.  God's solution is different here.  He relocates the enemy to the capital of the Northern Kingdom, Samaria.  Then God opens the eyes of the enemy so that they can see the truth of their situation.  The King of the Northern Kingdom feeds the Syrians and sends them on their way.  The point here is that though we cannot always avoid the fight, we submit our solutions to a God who knows more than we do.  Good plan, I think!

When you cross thresholds, don't fear ... God and God's people are with you.  When you enter that new room, pray that God will open your eyes so that you can see the truth of your reality.  When you are opposed by the enemy, seek and trust God's solutions, even when those solutions go against conventional wisdom.  May God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you, and give you peace!  Amen!  Randy

Monday, May 3, 2021


I have spoken with a number of young people who live in a culture where the "in" thing to do is trade insults, barbs and put-downs as a matter of doing daily life.  On the other extreme it seems that people are overly sensitive about anything negative that hurts their feelings.  It is a strange time and a difficult balance.  How do we, as Christians, speak into this world?  For the answer we go to God's Word.   Romans 14:19 says, "let us work hard to build one another up."  Our children learned this passage last month.  For this month there is another passage about building, one that is familiar and foundational to our faith.  It is the parable of the wise and foolish builders.

It is not hard to apply this passage to Mother's Day theme.  Mothers are builders.  They want good for their kids.  They want growth for our children.  They are building every day so that their children will have lives that are solid ... build on a good foundation.  

It is such a blessing to see those foundations stay and stand through the generations.  I am excited that we have our own Jackson Blalock playing piano in both services today, something that came from his father (Ryan) but to his father through Ryan's mother.  The foundation is something solid, good and natural when a good mother taught and modeled it in her life.  And if music is part of that good foundation, how much more is God's word.

Marilyn, Andy. Lee and I went to a conference last weekend.  We learned some things about happenings in the Methodist church.  The overriding themes of the conference were three things.  The first was, we are called to go and tell the Good News of the Gospel to the nations.  The Greek word is for nations is the word we get the term ethnic from.  Our call is to teach every ethnic group, there are thousands that have never heard, about what Jesus said and did.  We are to lead these folks to discipleship.

The second point is that, in the midst of the chaos of decisions, bad leadership and anger, we are to remember our message (declared by the Holy Spirit).  We are to lead people to Jesus.  Paul said we preach Christ and Christ crucified.  That means forgiveness, new life, grace and peace.  In Colossians 3 Paul writes, "none of this going off and doing your own thing."  We follow a solid leader and a solid message.  We can build on this.

The third thing we must remember is that unlike the world, we are founded on the solid foundation of Scripture.  God's word may go against what I like, what I feel and what I want to do, but "all other ground is sinking sand."  We have something good, right and solid, upon which we can base our decisions and our beliefs.  The parable calls us to build upon solid rock ... not things that will wash away when the waves crash in.

My mother gave me some of that foundation, and I am thankful.  Some really wise women at this church still speak that kind of wisdom into my life and into my ministry.  But Jesus, and the solid rock of God's word, is my rock and foundation.  And it is a firm foundation that helps me every day.  Do you know Him?  Do you know His word?  Then come!  Learn! Grow! Build! Live!