C. S. Lewis spoke about God being able to make Himself small enough to enter our world, our lives and our mess. As we move to Pentecost Sunday (June 5th) I think about this statement, because I am notorious for my smallness. I have small dreams that limit what God can do. I have small expectations of people, while God sees possibilities of "greater things (John 1:50)." I worry while God makes big plans for His Bride, the Church. Yet ... God entered the small!
In Acts 2 God enters and indwells the Church, all gathered in one place ... a small room in a pretty small city called Jerusalem. Yet, God made Himself small enough to come into that place and fill disciples that gathered and waited. Then, something happened. The little room wasn't big enough to hold the people who, moments before, were timid, tentative and terrified. The power of God's Spirit couldn't be held in that little room. The voice of God's Spirit couldn't be bound by languages or even by the intellect of simple fishermen. The life of God burst forth and ran out into the streets. All heard God's Good News in their own language and they were amazed! The City and the Nation of Israel couldn't contain God. God filled the world and time with His beauty, His grace and His life. And we are here to proclaim that God!
Maybe that is what is happening in the Church. We see small, dream small and fear big. We hear tongues of negativity and doubt, while God is proclaiming His power and Lordship with tongues of fire. Listen!!! Do you hear it in between the voices we have chosen instead of God? "I am here! You cannot become too small for me to forget you or abandon you. I come in ways and people you cannot and would not expect. But greater things are still to come, and greater things are still to be done, even in this city. You cannot contain or limit me. For I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end ... the first and the last. Your imagination and your fear cannot and will not limit me. I am here ... and I will be here to the end!" AMEN