Sunday, June 26, 2022


Hebrews 6:19 reminds us that "We have this hope as an anchor for our souls, firm and secure."  I thought about this passage twice, just today.  The first time it came to mind is when I looked at a gravestone at Arlington National Cemetery.  A single word was on that stone ... HOPE.  Many of the stones have information about the soldier buried there.  But this stone said, HOPE.  Hope in the middle of a graveyard.  Hope in the midst of death.  Hope that we move from this life to life eternal, to be with a God who has given us promises of a place, a presence and a peace we cannot find without Him.

I also thought about this verse as troubled people walked through Washington DC.  Some were hoping there were enough police to keep angry crowds in check.  Some were hoping to be noticed.  Some were hoping in the Supreme Court, the Executive Branch or the Legislative branches of government.  Many hoped in everything but God.  But we, the people called Christians, don't have to rely on the power of governments, the charisma of activists, the might of money or the longevity of institutions to give us our hope.  We have hope.  It anchors our soul in storms and difficult times.  It is firm and secure and it doesn't change with the wind or the words of Justices, Presidents, Senators, Bishops or preachers.  God told Moses ... "I AM."  I am the God that is real.  I am the God who exists.  I am the God who endures.  I am the God who always is and always was.

So ... I leave you with that good word ... HOPE.  May God's hope fill you today!  Randy

Monday, June 20, 2022

An Observation

The more I live in these times, the more I am beginning to observe and reflect upon what is going on around us.  Most people think their daily actions and decisions are confined to that day and time.  I am not so sure anymore.  And, in conversation with my friends at Calvary and FBC here in Abbeville, I wonder why Vacation Bible School seems to be less-attended than in previous years?  Is it the aftermath of COVID?  Is it people being too busy?  Is it kid-oriented sports leagues?  Is it that the outside temperature is a thousand degrees and feels like two thousand degrees?  I am not sure.  But here are a few things I am very sure of.

1. I think our adults need some serious adulting.  Part of that adulting process is to learn to learn from good things like God's Word.  We have 330 million Americans and 330 million experts on everything.  Can I (we) listen to someone reliable and find teaching and worth in a lesson that comes from outside of my entrenched opinion?  Do I really believe God is smarter than me, as I proclaim what "my god" is like?  God is who God is ... God has given us truth about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ... THAT Truth can be found in God's Word, not my opinion.  People need to learn to learn.

2. I think our children need less family stress and more challenge.  I preached Sunday about why I like softball and sports like it.  2/3 of the time the hitter fails.  Mistakes are rampant and the team has to collectively get out of situations caused by an error of another team member.  That is like life.  Struggle is part of the deal, and that is ok.  I meet two kinds of people ... people who are in the midst of struggle and people who are lying about their struggles to look better than they actually are.  People need to learn to persevere through struggles.

3. I think our sources of advice are flawed.  If you think the news media are not biased, you are not being honest with yourself.  If you think Facebook, TikTok or Instagram are reliable sources of truth, you are walking in darkness.  Isaiah, in his prophesy about Christ said, "The people who are walking in darkness have seen a great light (Isaiah 9:2)!"  Do you know the light of the world?  Have you seen Him and do you look for Him in your daily journey?  Is Jesus your source of truth, or is culture your guide?  People need to learn where to find truth.

I reflect on all of this, because I believe King David (led by God) placed the truth of Psalm 1 first for a reason.  "Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners or join in with mockers.  But they delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night (Psalm 1:1-2)."  That is where you can find truth!  That is where you will learn to deal with struggles!  That is where you will learn to learn!  Randy

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

How Father Would Do It

Marilyn and I are at the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference today.  Many matters of importance might come before the Conference.  The entire event and process will require patience, grace and some good country logic.  

Pray for us to be smart and shrewd.  Pray for us to be Christlike.  Pray for us to be wise in a Christlike wisdom that Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 1.  Pray for us to be available to God for His good purposes.  Pray for us!

I will choose to follow Christ and the Scripture where Peter wrote about such matters. "But in your hearts, revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks to give a reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15)."  We must be where God has called us.  But we must not resort to being religious colonialists, seeking to acquire control over another culture, occupying that culture with the intent to make little replicas of ourselves.  Missionaries learned that stripping others of their culture doesn't work.  It doesn't work inside the Church either.  1) We must, revere Christ as Lord ...  2) we must to share our hope in Christ, but 3) we must do this with gentleness and respect.  Thank you for your prayers! AMEN

Sunday, June 5, 2022

That Time Again

It's that time again.  Next week the Alabama West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church will meet on the Campus of Alabama State University.  It will be a unique and different meeting for a number of reasons:

1. This will be the first time the Annual Conference has met at a non-church location since I have been in this conference (since 1994).  The location was chosen because Frazer United Methodist Church has chosen to disaffiliate from the Alabama West Florida Conference, a choice that will be ratified sometime during Annual Conference deliberations.

2. This meeting will be contentious and filled with difficult decisions.  Several congregations have elected to disaffiliate from the Alabama West Florida Conference.  There are many congregations that are in the process of discerning their long-term affiliation with the United Methodist Church.  Resolutions and debate will fill the halls of the meetings this year.  

Many of you are seeing reports about a mass-exodus of congregations from the United Methodist Church in other Annual Conferences of the United Methodist Church.  Maybe you are wondering what the fuss is all about?  If you read the news you will hear that the disaffiliations are all about the churches policies and practices regarding LGBTQ issues.  While LGBTQ is one issue, I believe it is far from the primary reason for congregations choosing to leave the United Methodist fold.  While you will hear many opinions about this issue, here are the problems as I see them and as I have reported them to you in at least three meetings on this subject.

1. This year, for the 3rd time, the General Conference (which is the church body authorized to meet and vote on policy issues) was postponed by a committee of the church, in probable violation of the UM Discipline.  Issue # 1 is the UM Discipline doesn't matter to the committee structure of the UM Church.

2. The national structure of the UM Church has continually affirmed and even promoted theological positions which are in opposition to the Discipline of the UM Church and Scripture.  From the founding of the Methodist Church by John Wesley, what we believe DOES matter.  Issue #2 is that the beliefs outlined in the UM Discipline don't matter to the leadership of the UM Church.

3. Churches and Clergy all across the UM Church have been allowed to teach non-Biblical doctrine related to issues like the sufficiency of the cross, the way of salvation (Jesus), the authority of Scripture, the validity of Scripture and the person of Jesus.  Though the Articles of Religion of the UM Church are clear on these issues, the Articles of Religion (and Scripture) don't matter enough to some teachers, curriculum writers, bishops and leadership committees of the UM Church (this is issue #3).

4. The United Methodist Church operates under the United Methodist Discipline.  That discipline is very traditional, conservative and clear in how LGBTQ issues in our leadership are handled.  The language related to LGBTQ in leadership has remained unchanged since the 1970s and (in fact) was affirmed and strengthened by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church in 2019 (the General Conference is the only body that can set policy for the UM Church).  Yet, Bishops, Congregations and Clergy have ignored the UM Discipline on these issues.  So, the UM Discipline hasn't seemed to matter, although factions in conflict can bring policy changes to the floor at General Conference.  Issue #4 is the UM Discipline doesn't matter to some clergy, bishops, congregations and conferences of the UM Church.

5. The committee structure and leadership structure of the UM Church has become filled with people who lobby for political causes, advocate for non-Biblical public policy and promote political ideology.  Further, this structure has become expensive and not controlled by the Discipline of the UM Church.  This is issue # 5.

6. Though UM Churches have maintained, improved and nurtured their property, the General UM Church holds all church property in trust and does not allow local congregations to own their property.  This policy is in direct opposition to trust laws in some states.  Most UM Churches believe this policy should be changed.  Ownership of property is issue # 6.

While there are many other issues I could identify, I would state that the simple answer to "what is all the fuss about?" is that Jesus said, "Follow Me."  He did not say, "follow culture."  He did not say, "follow political ideology."  He did not say, "follow your heart."  He did not say, "follow committees."  So, without demeaning any persons, without hurting any of our brothers and sisters, and without resorting to name-calling, demonization and hurtful accusations, what do we do?  Marilyn Skipper and I will attend Annual Conference and do our best to represent AUMC, doing no harm, doing all the good we can and staying in live with God (John Wesley's 3 Methodist rules).  Please pray for us to represent AUMC, but most of all to represent Jesus.  We go to follow Him.  Thanks for listening.  Randy