There was a mighty struggle happening. The Egyptian Pharaoh was intent on keeping his slaves, his workforce and his power over Israel. God had called Moses, a flawed, stammering and less-than-perfect spokesperson, to demand that the Hebrew people be released from captivity. I am sure the people were asking, "What is going on? What is God's purpose in the plagues (they were right in the midst of God's real/physical plights on the Egyptian leader and people). Why is God doing this and what is God's plan?"
I think we ask some of these same questions. "Why are events unfolding like they are? Why are evil people and evil happenings rising up? What is going on? Why is God allowing this and what is God's plan?" We ask, pretty much, the same questions.
Exodus 9 provides a clear, concise and direct answer to the questions above. "But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth (Exodus 9:16)." This little passage says volumes about why we are here and the purpose of a great and awesome God. Let's break it down.
First, all of this ... our world, events, history, future, people, nature, and even our deepest thoughts are all about God. God's plan (according to Jeremiah 29:11) is for goodness and a future for us. But it is God's plan. It is for us, to benefit us, but it originates from God. The lesson? Find God in God's plan and find freedom, blessing and purpose there. Henry Blackaby repeats this often in the book and study series "Experiencing God." He would say, "If you want to find God or be found by God, jump into God's plan."
Second, God wants us to understand that He desires for us to see/know/experience/believe/trust His power. To the Hebrews in Egypt, God is saying ... "You see what is happening around you. Do you believe? Does any of this show you My nature? Do you see how I have come to rescue you? Do you trust Me enough to leave the familiar and enter the unknown? Do you think My power is sufficient to rescue, sustain and deliver you?" These are the embedded questions in the theophany, terror and wonder of what is happening in Moses' Egypt. They are the same questions God might ask about today. We sing about our belief, but do we really see/know/experience/believe and trust God?
Finally, God wants to be known by the proclamation of His mighty deeds and the praises of His people. Sunday we will enter the Family Life Center (9am) and the Sanctuary (11am) and proclaim and praise. We will do this by singing. We will enter His presence in prayer. We will give to God's cause. We will invest our voices, our thoughts, our attention and our hearts.
"Lord ... we hear Your voice in these words from Exodus. We understand the call of freedom. We acknowledge we must leave the familiar to find the extraordinary. We know the dangers, and yet we will still choose to go ... deeper into Your word ... deeper into Your plan ... higher toward your kingdom. We will look for You, seek to know You, hunger to experience You, faithfully believe in You and, with childlike devotion, trust You. Help us Lord, for all of these things are difficult for us. In the words of Rich Mullins we ask .. 'You who live in radiance, hear the prayers of those of us who live in skin.' Thank you for listening Lord. Let us, in our lives and in our actions, show Your power and proclaim you to all of the nations of the earth." AMEN
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