I was listening to an old Garth Brooks song the other day. It is called "The River," and the song, like the river, flows with my heart. It made me think about movement, destination, beauty, and lots of other great river-related thoughts. Two Scriptures came to mind as I was thinking about rivers.
The first is the river flowing from the Temple in Ezekiel 47. That river, I believe, represents the Church as it flows out of the Temple and heals and renews as it flows to its destination, the Dead Sea. When that river enters the Dead Sea, it restores life and makes the water fresh and new.
The second river (and I think it is like the first) is the river from John 7:38. Jesus is teaching on the final day of the Festival of Booths, a harvest festival in which the Hebrews remembered God's provision as they traveled through the time of the Exodus. It was a high and holy time for the Jews. Jesus says, "Anyone who believes in Me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare 'Rivers of living water will flow from His heart!'" I believe this river references back to the Ezekiel verse, and both remind us that Jesus is the source of living water that heals, renews, refreshes and gives life to dead things.
We will sing a song Sunday called "The River ... Come on Down." It is a light and happy expression of Jesus' invite to come ... "Anyone who is thirsty may come to Me! (John 7:37)." So, let's all come on down to that river of living water that:
1. Is all about the Church, taking in Jesus and giving out words and actions that bring about healing;
2. Is us following the model of Jesus, doing what John Wesley said ... "Offer them Christ!" (it is really the think of value we have to give);
3. Is ever-changing (never stagnant) and flows where it is needed and wanted;
4. Has a source, the Holy Place that is Christ ... the place where God is worshipped, proclaimed and praised;
5. Is a place to gather and drink in God's goodness and the water that gives life;
6. Is alive ... because if we have Jesus we have life, and life to the fullest;
7. Has a destination ... a place where it is going to become whatever God has made it.
The late John Prine writes that "old rivers grow wilder every day" as they pursue their course to the place they are going. Do you have that river of living water in you? Does it flow out of you? What is it's source? Does it bring life and healing to the people and things you encounter? Is it founded in the Temple of the Lord? Where does it get its power? Is it going somewhere and is that direction from God or something else?
These are the river questions I would like you to consider as we move through this week, flowing into worship on Sunday. I hope we are honest with ourselves. I pray we will let God correct our course if we are blocked, misdirected or meandering. And I hope each of us are willing to take that drink of living water that comes from believing INTO Jesus' life, plan and purpose for us. Come on down! Randy
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