It is almost comical to see people take 'stands' in today's world. If it wasn't funny, I would recount the Biblical passage about people following their hearts in these 'stands' ... "the heart is deceitful above all things, and is desperately wicked! (Jeremiah 17:9)." Yet, people stand in their heart-felt ideas, forgetting this stark and clear warning. They stand for political agendas ... they stand for political figures ... they stand for their rights ... they stand for their football team. But what about God? What does God's word say about standing, and what we should stand for?
1 Corinthians 16:13 says, "Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love!" But probably the most quoted verse about standing is from Ephesians 6:13, "Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor, so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. After the battle you will be standing firm."
Some of you are saying, "We are warriors ... we must attack." Others envision themselves in the great battle from Revelation 20, where Satan has assembled a great army to storm God's city. Guess what God's people do in that battle? Nothing, except stand! Guess what God does in that battle? Everything, as fire rains down from heaven and destroys Satan's army! Paul reminds us that we have a job ... stand! Paul describes the tools we need to stand in God's power!
Let me remind you why this lesson and this good word from Paul is needed at this appointed time.
Paul says the belt of truth is needed! We have an enemy that needs to be resisted in this time of evil. Paul reminds the Ephesians that there are "evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world ... mighty powers ... evil spirits in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)." I believe many of us feel something is wrong ... we just blame and label people, rather than seeing past our human frailties to the evil of the unseen world. And never forget this evil resides in the political right and left ... even in heavenly places (like church gatherings). So, we must be equipped to 'stand.'
We must have truth (the belt of truth Paul says). Wesley said we need to learn to discern God's truth by remembering that God reveals Himself in the story of the Church, the experiences of God's people, the reasoning ability God has given us to use our mind, and (most importantly) Scripture.
We must have God's righteousness. God's word says our righteousness is 'filthy.' Note that 1 Samuel 17:47 tells us that God does not save with sword and spear. Instead, Samuel tells the people "the battle is the Lord's."
We need to put on the shoes of peace, even when we don't feel peaceful. I get that! I want to do something! I want to act, and sometimes that is the right thing to do. But here, God says to stand ... not my preference, but God's Word!
We need to put on the shield of faith, for Satan never stops firing arrows at us. Jesus demonstrated this during His temptation as he expressed His faith in God by quoting Scripture to Satan. Paul demonstrated this as he writes of faith, hope and sound doctrine from prison. We demonstrate this when we look to God instead of charismatic speakers, ear tickling speeches and self-affirming advisors for guidance. Paul says, in 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight. I have kept the faith." Satan's arrows followed Paul everywhere he went, and Paul's life was a testimony to faith and faithfulness.
We are to be both assured and protected, as we wear the helmet of salvation. For God's work in us and for us, gives us assurance to hope and press on, even when we see an upside-down world.
Finally, we are to wield the sword of the Spirit, which Paul says is the Word of God. Here is where I invite and caution you. So many of us think we can get into God's Word by being in church for an hour on Sunday. Isn't God's sword worth knowing, exploring, engaging and struggling with? If we want to know God, wouldn't it be prudent to know what He said?
These tools are how and where we stand. Will you stand beside me and with the one true God? Randy
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