2 Timothy 3:16 says God's Word, "Scripture ... is useful for teaching." As I studied this passage I thought about how many teachers we have in our congregation. I can name well into the teens and I am probably missing a few folks, but I shouldn't need to tell our teachers that teaching, studying and learning are important things. And in the life-or-death nature of God's gift of Scripture, it is vitally important. So, what does teaching require?
Teaching requires something worth teaching. Do you believe that the Bible is worth teaching? Do you think Scripture is of value? I believe both of these things! Paul, in 2 Timothy 3, is both warning Timothy and encouraging Timothy. The warning relates to 1) people who only will love self and money, 2) people who will hate what is good, 3) people who will be prideful, 4) people who will act religious but reject the power God gives them to follow godliness. Paul warns Timothy to stay away from people like that! But Paul also encourages Timothy. Paul says to follow Scripture (the teaching of Scripture) so he will be prepared for the good work God intends.
Teaching requires someone worth teaching. Paul spends much time instructing Timothy. Paul writes letters to all of the churches he has planted. The content of that teaching is 1) Scripture, 2) how Scripture informs the context of life, and 3) how the power of Scripture can give abundant life in the midst of strife/persecution and difficulty. Who is worth receiving this good word? All people who are willing to listen. Jews, Gentiles, Greeks, slaves and free. Paul wants to give this beautiful free gift to everyone!
Finally, teaching requires a teacher. If you remember the Gospels, what was Jesus often called? Teacher! If Jesus is the one who authors and perfects our faith, isn't He worth following? I believe so. For, as Karl Barth observed, "Jesus doesn't just give us a recipe to show us the way to God as other teachers do. He IS the way!"
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