Sunday is communion. I looked up the official definition of this word we use so often in the Church. The word is 2 parts. Union is one we all should know ... "the action or act of being joined." Last week my friend Jess joined AUMC! She and Renee are now in union with our congregation. And I like the other part of that definition ... "action or act." Union is an applied choice.
The prefix, "com" is also pretty easy. Com is "A word-forming element usually meaning together or with (from Latin)." The prefix forms words like community, common, and complete. There is a sense that each time a new person becomes part of a congregation and joins with "the body of Christ" that body becomes more complete. It has been going on since God created people and for some wonderful reason decided to relate to us in a personal way. My messed-up, sinful and broken self has trouble fathoming why a perfect God would ever want to do that, but God has chosen this relationship in spite of me! Wow!
Last evening Nicey Eller sent a song to Andy and me. The title is Communion (go figure) by Brooke Ligertwood. I would recommend checking it out on YouTube. As I listened and pondered to lyrics (I am very lyric-focused) I marveled at how music and lyric can be so powerful in conveying a message that has been proclaimed ever since that Passover when Jesus said, "This is my body ... this is my blood." Jesus chose union with His disciples, and all who have come to the altar since that beautiful and terrible night when He was handed over to the Jewish and Roman authorities. The song repeats the thought of remembering the sacrifice, the blood, the only Son, the price paid, the wounds and the Lamb slain on the cross. It is beautiful and, in the words of the song, "a bittersweet cup."
Sunday we will come. Broken for sure. Confused about many things, but sure of one great truth ... (again from the song) "His blood has power still and by His wounds we will be healed." The reason we can make this bold statement of restoration and forgiveness is that the story, challenged by what is called "new" theology, is true, real and life-giving. I can say this because the Bible is true. I can say this because Jesus said He is "the way and the life." I can say this because Jesus' life isn't some made-up story. I can say this because (contrary to some "modern" theology) Jesus is the "sinless Lamb who was slain for our sins." I can say this because I affirmed, as a new believer affirmed on Sunday, that "I confessed Jesus Christ as my Savior, placed my whole trust in His grace, and promised to serve HIM as my Lord." If you haven't made this public statement, please come Sunday and confess your faith in Jesus!
I hope you do come Sunday. To be with other struggling sinners who gather to remember the sinless Savior that came to save the world (every person is eligible). To kneel or stand beside the confused, convicted, the broken, the knocked-down, the self-focused, people. Take action to join with others who will remember the blood, the sacrifice, the wounds, the only Son, the price paid and the Lamb slain on the cross. All of this, so we could be with God here, in this life, and in eternity with the one true God. "His mercy is enough for the many and the one!" AMEN
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