Monday, October 17, 2022


Last week I saw someone at a store.  I had that feeling I should know them, but I just couldn't place the name.  I could have dealt with this in several ways.  I could have followed them around, hoping something would "tweak" my memory.  I could have taken the direct approach and walked right up and said, "Hi ... I think I should know you, but my memory is shot.  I'm Randy Greene.  Do I know you?"  But my introverted self took the wimpy way out ... I pretty much avoided them till my shopping was over.  For introverts, this is our "go-to" tactic.

Later in the week, I reflected on this encounter (really, non-encounter) and remembered a song from way back.  The song was sung by Wayne Watson and was titled "Would I Know You Now."  The song asks the question, "Would I know You now, if You walked into the room?  If You stilled the crowd, if Your light dispelled the gloom?"  It is a good question.  Would WE know Jesus if He walked into the 9am or 11am service, and would He be welcomed or avoided?  Would we recognize Him?  And (importantly) would He recognize us?

In Matthew 7, Jesus is preaching to the crowd gathered for the "Sermon on the Mount."  It is fairly early in Jesus' ministry, and was His first and most thorough discourse on a myriad of topics.  One of these topics was recognition.  Jesus talks about false prophets in verses 15 thru 20.  He makes the point that we recognize false prophets by the fruit they bear.  In the day of mega-churches and populist messages, it is good to look at fruit.  Are we ... are our people ... is the Church bearing the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, self-control)?  Are we recognizable as THE Church?

Then, Jesus speaks of true and false disciples.  What are the traits of true disciples?  Will Jesus look at us (me) and say what he says in this verse, "I never knew you!?"

But back to the song.  Wayne Watson writes about Jesus coming to our little congregation and our responses to His coming.  He says we can:

1. Be nostalgic and "miss" Jesus - I hear this from people who have chosen to be in their own little world.  They are all over Facebook, eating out, touring the countryside, hanging with friends and doing everything but faithfully honoring God's call to be in fellowship with others in church.  They say things like, "I miss my church!"  But not enough to let church hamper their lifestyle choices.

2. Be angry and point blame at Jesus - "I don't need that 'religious' stuff!" "I can fellowship with God anywhere!" In the song, the person "cries out ... 'I don't need You anymore.'"  Have some of us turned from God's call to relationship using the excuse of demonizing or degrading the church, the people, or even Jesus?

3.  Follow Jesus to the path and place of restoration - "Would I follow You, could I be restored?" the songwriter asks.  In Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus tells the crowd, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find!"  Jesus repeats a command 13 times ... "Follow me!"  He wants to be known, found and needed by His people and His Church!

What about you?  What is your response?  Do you want to know, seek and follow Jesus?  Or, are you content to have just a "little walk with Jesus?"  This song is hard and convicting for me, because it goes right to the heart of preaching and leading ... "Do the images I've painted, so distorted who You are, that even if the world was looking, they could not see You, the real You?"

Sunday, I will try to paint a very imperfect picture of the Jesus who gives us life, breath and wisdom.  He comes to us, not as we desire or expect, but as who He is.  And the only way we will know Him is to seek fervently, follow intently and find Him.  For He wants to be known, found and followed!  AMEN

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