Julie Andrews, in The Sound of Music, sang ... "You start at the very beginning, it's the very first place to start ... when you count you start with 1,2,3 ... when you sing you begin with, do, re, mi." The movie was great, and the little song taught children how to sing notes. We are traveling on a journey of faith, and we have lots to learn. So we start at the very beginning, the very first place to start. I could choose many great places to start, but I will begin with why Jesus came into the world ... to save it, in particular, people from all nations, tribes and tongues.
I will be preaching from the Catechesis of the Global Methodist Church, as it references Scripture. Scripture is and will be the foundation laid by God's authoritative word and lived by our Savior, Jesus Christ. Here is what the Catechesis says, ... "Salvation is more than the promise of eternal life. It is a present deliverance from sin. a restoration of the soul to its original purity, a recovery of the divine nature, in righteousness, in true holiness, in justice, in mercy and in truth." Paul wrote it like this, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17)."
This is a lot of information, but let me focus on a few points here. First, salvation is God's action and God's plan for us as people. God wants you, me, everyone to be saved ... restored ... brought to our fullest potential by His definition. God knows what this plan is, and God needs you and me to let our will go so God's will can happen. Seeking our plan, our purpose, our stuff is a diversion. Jesus said, "Seek ye first, the kingdom of God, and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33)." This is for you but is about God and God's plan!
Second, I love the part of this statement that relates to the restoration of our soul and the recovery of the divine nature. We were all made in the image of God (Genesis 1) and part of that image is a reflection of the divine. Christians carry and represent (or re-present) Christ to the world. Again, this calling and task is all about what God is doing. I meet people every day that resist this action of God. They say, "It's just how I am." They excuse repeated behavior by saying "It is all because of my environment or my upbringing." It is as if they are saying to God, "If only you had prevented those things, then I would be different!" I wonder if God replies, "Do you think I created everything ex nihilo (from nothing)?" "Do you believe that 'new creation' thing?" "Do you think I can do what I said I can do?"
Finally, salvation is an ongoing and active work of God's power and grace. God doesn't just provide temporary rescue. God wants to take you to a better place. God desires for His good work and power to actually bring you into a new place, apart from the powers that are holding you down. This is important to all of us who desire real change, real transformation and real healing.
The real question is ... what and who do you believe? If you believe God's word, you will allow God to act in you ... you will allow God's power to restore and grow you ... you will grasp and undertake the journey of salvation that Wesley called sanctification. And, you will leave behind the excuses that block God's action in your life. Remember John 11? Martha runs out to Jesus and says, "If only you had been here my brother would not have died!" Later in the story, before Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, Jesus tells Martha ... "if you believe, you will see the glory of God." "If only" is about the powerlessness of Jesus ... "If you believe" relies on the power of God that brings us into His glory. Which is your position of faith? God wants to restore you and recover the divine nature He has placed in you. He wants to save you! "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation ... O my soul praise Him for He is your health and salvation!" AMEN!
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