Wednesday, December 20, 2023


In my "The Complete Word Study of the Old Testament" the word "Selah (Psalm 3)" means, pause.  It was probably both a musical instruction and also a call to "stop and praise God."  In reading the Wake Up Call devotional this morning, I was definitely sent to this concept of pausing as we reflect on the magnitude of Advent and Christmas.  It is worth pausing ... for if we fail here, we will miss what is most important.

Wake Up Call spoke of a famous violinist (Joshua Bell) being part of an experiment in societal blindness.  Bell played a $13 million Stradivarius violin in a New York subway, disguised as a street performer.  He was only recognized by one person, and his take for the session of music was $37.17.  Beauty, greatness and value were all missed by those walking past an experience of a lifetime.  God's instruction, as we walk through the elevator music of life?  Selah!

Stop and reflect upon the "bread of life" coming into a small town that is called "house of bread (Bethlehem)."  Sunday afternoon and evening we will remember the "bread of life" and the "Lamb that takes away the sin of the world!"  That includes your sins and my sins!  Selah!

Stop and consider that in the context of history, conflict, war, poverty, strife, political unrest, God came!  He came to Mary and Joseph, some livestock, some shepherds who paused, a host of angels and to all of us.  Chris Rice says he, "wrapped our injured flesh around Him, breathed our air and walked our sod, robbed our sins and made us holy, perfect Son of God!"  Selah!

Don't walk past the priceless!  Don't invest a petty $13.17 in the most expensive gift ever ... don't miss the chance to be part of the beautiful and meaningful music of truth, faith and joy ... don't be so wrapped up in this world that you miss what Jesus said ... experience a direct view into God's Kingdom.  Selah ... praise God! AMEN

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