Schools (including Christian schools) once placed the local church and local congregations at the forefront of the planning process. Now, schedules (Wednesday nights and even Sunday mornings) generally ignore the happenings in the local church. Sporting events have long ignored even the presence of a faith community. I could add the schedule pressures of recreation, pastimes, hobbies, family events to this list that has raised all of these things up above the work and worship of the one we call "our Lord." One wonders about that Lordship thing.
I saw a post last week from a pastor I know. It said, "I hope all of you are thinking about your attendance in church tomorrow!" My thought was a quote from a retired Bishop who was asked about his plans for Sunday morning. He responded, "I made those plans and those decisions when I became a Christian. I said I would support my church and my Lord with my prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness."
As Paul (and his writing crew of Timothy and Silas in 51AD) writes to a confused, scattered and discouraged group of Christians in Thessalonica, Paul reminds the people of 2 things they/we must do when we get off-course in our understanding and application of faith. Paul says 1) "remember what I told you when I was with you (2 Thess. 2:5)" and 2) "Hold fast to the teachings you received (2 Thess. 2:15)." Good advice I think!
1. Remember - There is a beautiful thread that runs through Scripture and our faith. It is this little word, remember. God tells the Hebrew people, remember what things were like in Egypt, remember I brought you out of Egypt, remember I gave you a land with cisterns you did not dig and vineyards you did not plant, remember the command to not follow the gods of the nations, do this (as often as you drink it) in remembrance of me. This thread of remembrance is something we can count on when life gets dicey, and something we can reference when we need guidance out of a difficult place. God's word is given to us to learn and remember. I watch the little girls on our front row in the 2nd service as they all recite the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles Creed and "the word of God for the people of God." I hope one day, when faced with choices about priorities, they will remember their foundation of faith and their solid-ground of beliefs that they learned while here in this place.
2. Hold Fast - Paul says hold fast to the teachings you received. God's word is our foundation. God's word is truth ... and we can count on it. God's word leads us into consistent, committed corporate gathering, worship and life. We remember and hold to this when we are making our decisions on our priorities. We remember and hold fast to God's promises as we structure our time, finances and family time. "Nothing in my hands I bring, only to the cross I cling."
In the 1st service this week, we will sing a song called "Pass the Promise." The words go, "Pass the promise to our sons and daughters, God most high, God our father, we bear witness." So let me remind you of those last 3 words ... "We bear witness." How we remember and hold fast as we express our faith in the corporate body of Christ, is how they will remember and hold fast. It is our joy and our solemn responsibility. We are telling our community that the life, death and resurrection of Christ is important, vital and the center of our life. That's the point! Randy
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