Monday, June 1, 2015


Last evening, at the opening session of Annual Conference, we were ably reminded of God's activity in the world, sometimes because of our faithfulness and sometimes in spite of our faithlessness.  Bishop Lowry, from Texas, spoke from Acts 12, which finds God doing miraculous things that release Peter from prison and God's Church meeting behind closed doors.  When the Church is told the freed Peter is at the door they think the servant girl giving them the report is off her rocker.  I find this story so much like the present Church.

God is doing great things and we sometimes meet and bemoan the condition of the world and our country.  Prisoners are being freed ... addicted people are being healed ... people are coming to Christ in the middle east ... Samaritan's Purse boxes are flooding Belize (YOU are part of this) ... and yet we sit, pray for God to help our nation and believe that hiding behind our safe doors will protect us from the world out there. 

Here is where I want to give you an "attaboy."  Thank you for leaving the safe places and going to our (yes OUR) kids at the Boys and Girls Club, OUR brothers and sisters in New Mexico, OUR kindred in Appalachia and OUR community to give love and proclaim the message that God still reigns.  In 2 Peter we hear negative words about those that scoff at God's activity and God's promises.  Let's continue to be doers and not scoffers.  Yes, there is plenty of trouble and danger out there.  But let's stop and remember why Peter was imprisoned in the first place.  He was cast into jail because he was considered DANGEROUS to the Jewish leadership and Roman occupiers.  He was heavily guarded because his words ( the Gospel) challenged and confronted the leaders in charge.  He was freed because God was sending a message ... "I still reign."  Let's continue to be part of that powerful kingdom of God that is still seeing miracles!

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