Monday, August 14, 2023


Last Saturday we had a tree-planting party at the Youth Activities Center (I'm trying that name on for size).  About 5 of us gathered in this oppressive heat, dug some holes, and now we have about 26 or so trees planted as a border.  It didn't take long, but when we finished we were all hot and sweaty.  So we sat under the awning and had bottled water and biscuits ... the breakfast of champions.  That water wasn't so cold, but it was certainly refreshing.

In Acts 3, Peter speaks to a people who are depleted, diminished and discouraged.  They are occupied by the Romans and their self-governance has been depleted ... they are discouraged.  The Scriptures call the time they are in "famine."  "Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord God, when I will send a famine upon the land.  Not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the word of the Lord (Amos 8:11)."  For 400 years, no prophets and no sign of spiritual rain.  Then, Jesus comes, preaching, teaching and healing ... living water and the "word made flesh."  They killed him.  But God is beautifully persistent and doggedly determined.  On day one after Pentecost, Peter (again) preaches the message of salvation to the guilty.  "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord (Acts 3:19)."

Two commands and three results can happen from Peter's message.  First, repent ... turn around ... change direction.  A golf teacher I watch on TV says, "If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting."  There is a simple depth to this command, and we would be well-advised to follow Peter's wisdom.  If you want to be refreshed, change direction!

Second, turn to God.  The gathered crowd had turned to false leaders, a dead legalistic system and their own understanding.  Peter's message, "run to the one you crucified" doesn't make much sense to those who are doubling-down on the status quo, but to those who are starving and dying of thirst, it is life!  Turn to God ... it is the only solution!

What happens when we repent and turn to God?  Our sins can be wiped out ... the burden of guilt can be lifted!  Refreshing times from the Lord can happen!

I think we all want to be refreshed.  But I wonder if we do what the writer of "Still Day One" suggested ... we get stuck reflecting on "What would Jesus do?"  It is not a bad question ... it just stops short of what I think we are called to do.  What would happen if we asked, "What is Jesus doing?"  And what if we responded by joining in with Jesus to bring the "kingdom on earth as it is in heaven."  Church-light (really not Church at all) is coming for our weekly feeding.  Church-deep (what Jesus is doing) is being in the game of kingdom-bringing.

I think God is (right now) in the business of famine-breaking.  Do you ask yourself, "What is Jesus doing?"  Maybe little girls ringing bells on Sunday morning?  Maybe new people, excited to jump in and invest in kingdom-building?  Maybe trees at the Youth Activities Center?  Maybe a little girl showing me the beautiful craft she made during children's church?  Maybe our little ones singing "This little light of mine!?"  What is Jesus doing?

Peter preached the message of salvation to a huge crowd that had seen a miraculous healing.  Peter told them Jesus wanted to refresh them.  Some believed.  Some just stood there, enjoying the show.  The religious leaders dragged Peter and John before the authorities, and chastised them.  All had a choice.  You, too, have a choice.  Will you leave this blog refreshed and empowered, just amused, or angry at the message that messes with your status-quo?  Do you REALLY want to know what Jesus is doing?  Randy

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