Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Not ME!!

A few months back, I was in Walmart in Eufaula.  I was taking a shortcut to the back of the store and I passed through the pharmacy.  As I walked near the pharmacy window I overheard a woman who was obviously a little fearful of getting what I think was a flu shot.  Being the "nice guy" I am, and wanting to be encouraging, I said, "Oh ... those are nothing.  You won't even feel it.  You can get through this!"  The pharmacy lady looked over at me and said, "Would you like to get your flu shot too?"  My response was quick, decisive, and bold ... "Not me?!"

As I continued my trip to the back of the store, a Biblical image came to mind.  Moses, who encountered the burning bush in Midian, and heard God's voice say, "I am sending you to bring my people,  the Israelites, out of Egypt (Exodus 3:10)."  Moses replied, "Who am I that I should go to Pharoah and bring your people out of Egypt (Exodus 3:11)?"  The English translation here is, "Not ME?!"

Here is where we should look a little closer at this story.  1) Moses wasn't chosen because going to Egypt, rescuing the Israelites, and leading the Hebrew nation was HIS plan ... it was God's plan.  "Yes, Moses, YOU!" 2) Moses wasn't chosen because he was qualified for the job ... he was chosen because God would equip him for the job ... "Yes, Moses, YOU!"  3) He wasn't chosen because of his timing ... he was chosen because of God's timing ... "Yes, Moses, YOU!"

What is your plan?  What are your qualifications?  What is your perfect timing?  Do you/we arrogantly think that these are God's criteria for choosing us to meet a need, do a task, or embark upon a journey? Or do you really believe the prayer Jesus prayed in Gethsemane ... "Not my will but thine?"

It was far easier for me to commit that lady to getting that shot, than it was to submit myself to getting that shot.  Maybe the next time God's Spirit tweaks my spirit to act, maybe I should ask, "Why not me?"

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