Monday, February 17, 2025

Reservoir or River?

In John 7, the plot to kill Jesus, and the hatred of the Pharisees continues in earnest.  Jesus is trying to be low-key, and the religious leaders are watching, listening, and searching for Him.  It is a dance that will end on Calvary (or a new thing that may begin on Calvary).

The context of John 7 is the Festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot).  The event has (at least) dual meanings.  First, it is a harvest (or ingathering) celebration, observing the temporary housing of the farmer as he works and harvests the year's crops.  There is also an evangelical air to the celebration as there is dancing to represent the "feet" of the Torah, taking the Torah out onto the world.  This 2nd meaning ought to perk our interest as Christians because God desires His word to fill the whole world.  

At the Festival of Tabernacles, Jesus speaks a message of invitation to believe.  "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow within them (John 7:37-38)."  As I read this passage, one question came to mind.  Are we reservoirs or rivers ... and which are we CALLED to be?

Reservoirs are certainly useful and necessary.  They hold water so that our cities and towns have enough to supply our needs.  Without reservoirs, and proper water management, we might have water-related emergencies.  And we must have water to live.

But as Christians, I wonder if we make two mistakes.  One mistake is that we tend to hold in and hoard what we have been given.  Jesus gave us the "living water" of His truth, His Gospel, and His call to believe and follow.  But I wonder if we hold God's message inside ourselves and our church buildings like a reservoir?  The second mistake is that we go to the reservoir and drink a little water, but fail to carry any out with us.  When things become parched and dry, we come back to the reservoir, but what if we are too far away ... and what if there is drought in the world?

Maybe, and this is my theory, we are called to something different.  Jesus told a Samaritan woman (John 4) that the water He gives will be "a spring of water that never runs dry, welling up in eternal life (John 4:13-14)!"  Then, here in John 7, He tells us "rivers of living water" will flow within us!  When Jesus shares this information with the Samaritan woman she replies, "Give ME this living water!" because she wants the water for her needs.  She thinks, "Now I won't have to carry this water from the well, and I will have all I and my family need!"  And THAT is where we miss the analogy!

I think Jesus is trying to create rivers ... not reservoirs!  Each one of us could be a river.  Each one of us could water the dry ground, supply sustenance to a withering plant, life to a dying seed.  For the "living water" of God's Spirit isn't meant to be held in ... it is to be given out!  Isaiah 43:19 spells it out beautifully!  "Behold, I am doing a new thing.  Now it springs forth.  Do you not perceive it?  I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert!"

Will you be a reservoir ... or a river?

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