Monday, March 3, 2025

Discovering Power

Lent is a time of discovering.  When we stop, listen, pray, and act we find ourselves in a place of exciting change and new possibilities!  I have spent the week discovering some interesting information about church utilities, especially as they impact several Trustees projects.  It seems that we have a mishmash of different breaker boxes, power outlets, and limitations as we try to implement needed changes.  Here is what I discovered.

1. Water - The water situation at the new Youth and Children's Center is almost comical.  At the current water meter, the flow is measured at 20 gallons per minute (GPM).  At the rear of the building, where one would hook up a hose, the flow is 2 GPM.  It seems that very old pipes and corrosion have restricted the water flow.  Is Jesus' living water flowing through you, or is that flow restricted?

2. Electricity - The electrical system at the Youth and Children's Center, and really at the entire church facility, is (at least) interesting.  Churches are pieced together over time and, thus, are prone to having a pretty complicated system of breaker boxes and outlets.  Matching and labeling these is something that we are discovering is a need for our future.  We need to know where our power is coming from!

So, as a church, where does our power ... your power come from?  What we have?  How well we can  navigate our situation?  Our status in the community?  Here is where Jesus tells us to go for power!

1. Prayer - Over the last month, JD Walt (in his devotional Wake-Up Call) has been Jesus-prayers.  The devotional walked us through 9 of these prayers.  The prayers are beautiful expressions of Jesus' total faith and trust in the Father's provision, protection, and power.  Jesus told His disciples, when they attempted to cast out demons, "this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21)."

2. Reflection - Psalm 1 begins with this concept.  "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.  But they delight in the law of the Lord., meditating on it day and night."  Did you get that?  It helps our faith walk to be in deep thought about the word of God.  This isn't some "hippie" self-help idea.  Notice, that the Psalmist focuses on advice from a trusted source, "the law of the Lord."

2. Repentance - The long and short-term experiences from the Asbury Awakening (February 2023) have been both documented and amazing. Many people of all ages came to terms with their faith walk.  And this, as often happened with documented meetings in early Methodism, came from praying, reflecting on God's word, and repentance.  And before we get the wrong idea, repentance isn't what we say, or even some idea in our head.  Repentance is action ... turning around ... turning toward God

All of the above things invite the person and activity of the Holy Spirit to become real and powerful in our lives.  Do you want to discover a God of love, life, and power?  Pray ... Reflect ... Repent.  That is a prescription for a wonderful and fruitful season of Lent.  AMEN!

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