In Revelation 4:10 twenty-four elders are wearing golden crowns of glory. They have obviously earned God's favor and a place in heaven with God. They appear, however, doing something that teaches all of us what to do with accolades, awards and "glory." They bow down before God (the lamb seated on the throne) and they cast those golden crowns at the feet of Jesus. Their earned and just rewards are placed at the feet of the one who deserves ALL of the glory.
Friday night the community of Abbeville, Alabama gathered at the Family Life Center at Abbeville UMC and made a decision to do something worthwhile. In a world where most of what we see and do each day is mundane and sometimes of little eternal value, Abbeville decided to let God have the glory and the fruits of the blessings He had given us. It was amazing and beautiful. As the Missions Auction progressed each item expressed some blessing or giftedness of the person who donated it. God had provided resources or talents or a business through which a donation was generated. A hunting trip, a week in a house or condo, a service ... you name it ... was cast down at the feet of Jesus so God could use these resources for missions in foreign places, in America or right here in Abbeville, Alabama. It was a little taste of heaven.
I think we could have said the two phrases that appear in Revelation 4 that night. "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty - the one who always was, who is, and who is to come." "You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased." I think God might have been pleased Friday night and I thank each person who had any part in what happened. I love it when God's people live out what is wonderfully expressed in Scripture. Keep casting those crowns down before Jesus ... He is the one worthy of our praise. AMEN
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