Sunday, May 8, 2016


There are days when I know I am blessed.  There are lots of little things that make a day of worship work. There are the obvious people ... musicians, music leaders and singers ... those that do announcements and prayers ... our beautiful acolytes ... ushers ... people that are part of the actual service.  We are blessed with good folks who take their work and service seriously.

But there are some people who never get noticed.  Those that prepare food in the kitchen.  Those that run sound and video.  Those that pick up the registration sheets and look to see if their are visitors or prayer requests.  People who follow up with our visitors and send cards to the sick or hurting.  Those that greet and show folks around.  Our childcare people who smile and keep our kids happy.  Sunday School teachers who prepare lessons.  Bell ringers who remind us it is time for Sunday School to end.  The people who collect and make sure the offering gets to the bank.  The people who make sure the acolytes are dressed and ready to serve.  People who check the color of the paraments tomake sure they are right for the season of the church year.  Those who pray on Tuesday for the worship service and other services at AUMC.

Today we even had some people who tried to catch a cat that had invaded the building.  One member even volunteered to bring a trap so we can catch the pesky beast and release it outside (I hope it works).

Every Sunday is a new adventure.  But I am truly blessed ... and AUMC is truly blessed ... that people pitch in and do what is needed.  Thanks to each of the obvious and unsung servants who make worship happen.  God is smiling at you!  Randy

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