This coming Sunday we will have several celebrations. We thought about separating the two events but decided that they might be very appropriate. So ... here goes.
First, as always, view all of this in the context of Scripture. Moses is giving his "pastoral charge" to his stiff-necked people. They are crossing the Jordan to take the land. He is not permitted to go, but he loves the people he has shepherded for over 40 years. He gives them some advice I believe we should take to heart. "Today I give you the choice between life and death, blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you may choose life, so you and your descendants would live. You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying Him and committing yourself firmly to Him. This is the key to your life (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)!" These two groups and two events can flow and be viewed in the blessing of God's word. I will pray that they are.
Our first celebration is the 100th birthday of Etoil Matheson. We are all excited to share this rare and special time, and (if you know Ms. Etoil) you will be excited too. She is one of my life-blessings. It is not uncommon for me to receive an email from her about the message or music on any given Sunday. Her comment will always be positive, uplifting and gracious, because she is a lady filled with God's grace. And, at 100, she will be viewing the streamed service on Facebook.
The second celebration is our annual recognition of Seniors that have a relationship with Abbeville Methodist. At our 2nd service we will have a formal recognition, a presentation of the Will and Agnes McLain Scholarship, and a re-presentation of the Sally Ezzell Boys and Girls Club Scholarship. We celebrate this milestone in the lives of these young people and wish them God-filled futures.
As I read Moses' words again, I thought of the testimony from my friend Jenny Wilson, as she shared about life and her battle with cancer. She commented about her life becoming busy, work-oriented and tiring. Each day would end with collapsing into the evening, and she had little extra energy for her work in the church. Then cancer came visiting, with treatments, diagnoses and chemotherapy. It was a shocking and difficult time, but Jenny stepped back and listened to God. What she heard related directly to what Moses told his people thousands of years ago. Paraphrasing (apologies to Jenny), Jenny reflected on how HER life became stressful, difficult, unmanageable and Jenny-focused. It happened a little at a time, but this way of life became her everyday routine. Post-diagnosis, Jenny came to realize she could live HER life or live for HER Lord and Savior, Jesus. She couldn't do both, and only one of those paths offered peace and life-abundant. For ... "the Lord IS your life (Deuteronomy 30)."
Etoil made this choice long ago and knows that God has called her to life in the Church. Jenny has made that decision too. Whatever days these two amazing women have, God will be there to guide, comfort and be a very real presence. For these graduating seniors, I offer them the choice Moses offered a people who will enter the land God has promised. "Choose life, for the Lord is your life." Living for self is an empty dead end ... living for Jesus is a battle, a journey and a blessing. Choose life! AMEN
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