Friday, July 19, 2024

Orphan Church

As we continue to think about the question, "Are we Post-Christian or Pre-Christian?", I can't help but think about how this question is directly related to our attitude.  Paul uses a phrase that relates to "attitude."  The phrase is "mind of Christ."

Paul uses this phrase in at least 2 places ... Philippians 2:5 and 1 Corinthians 2:16.  "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus," Paul says in Philippians 2:5.  He then goes on to describe Christ as a submissive and humble servant of the Father.  In 1 Corinthians 2:16, Paul expresses the difference between the culture (that believes things of faith are foolishness) and the faith, "but we understand these things because we have the mind of Christ."  In both passages, Paul is recommending a mindset and thought process that is not of this world.  He is also calling us, as the Church, to remember we are bound for another place, where we will spend eternity.  There, we will be residents, citizens, and sons and daughters of the King.  Here, we are more like orphans.

Why do I say this?  Orphans are separated from the parents of their birth by some event.  I am not suggesting we latch onto the negative part of this definition, which leaves us drifting without mooring in the values of parenthood.  Rather, I am reminding us that our primary parent, to whom we can always go for guidance, support, help, and unfailing love is our Lord, Jesus Christ.  And the Church, which we have often called the building or the denomination (one Bishop called it "Mother Church"), has a Groom and we have a parent in the person of Jesus!

I offer this analogy (some of you might take exception) to remind us that we must not become so resident and comfortable in a building or a denomination, that we move the main thing down the priority list.  In a song about life's journey and lost relationships, Gillian Welch expresses the need for Jesus in this world of challenges.  The song Orpahn Girl reminds us that 1) all of us will have troubles, including lost loved ones, 2) all of us will have friendships which may help us in the journey, 3) our desire to become reunited with our friends/family in faith needs to be tethered to a willingness to see past what Periti calls, "This Present Darkness and, 4) that we must pray for God to be our ultimate (and always present) parent, so that we can arrive safely home with God.  The main thing is to remember we are making disciples of Jesus Christ, to whom we testify as our Lord and Savior.

Paul reminds us that as we "have the mindset of Christ Jesus," we will find ourselves orphaned from much of the world, some of our friends, and sometimes even our blood relatives.  They will think us foolish, dogmatic, and counter-cultural.  We might even be disowned.  But take heart!  Our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, will never disown us or leave us stranded.  The song reports, "When he calls me, I'll be able, to meet my family, at God's table, He'll be my mother, my father, my sister, my brother ... no more an orphan girl."  If you are a Christ follower, you have a family waiting at that table!  AMEN


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