Monday, July 24, 2023

Setting the Sails

If you were part of Nicey Eller's VBS Bible study, you might remember that one of the slides said ... "Don't pray for wind ... set the sails."  I love that thought, but in a small town where we a) believe we have tried it all, b) we think we know all the people and c) we think we are moving along in "OK" fashion, we have a few obstacles.  Some are happy with where things are and, truth be told, want things to stay the way they are.  Some are unhappy with things and want to direct change and blame people, situations or things (I understand this ... we want a quick fix).  But some ... probably only a few ... might have a solidly-Biblical understanding of movement, power and God's provision.  I will speak, today, to all of these people, whether you listen or not.  The prophet Ezekiel was told by God ... "If you fail to warn the people, it is on your head, but if you warn them and they are unresponsive, it is on their head."  So ... here is my instructive warning for today.

First, we are not a Church that is waiting for the power of God.  Jesus said, in Acts 1, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you." In Acts 2, this happened.  The receiving of power is a factual and real event that has happened.  Stop waiting.  Don't' pray for wind ... set the sails.

Second, God's power through God's Church is often manifested by understanding how God works.  Do you want God's power in our Church and in our lives?  Step out in faith!  In Joshua 3:14-17 we find a group of obedient people who have been given direct information about how God works.  they could have balked ... they could have questioned God ... they could have waited for a more clear message ... they could have done nothing.  But they did what God asked.  12 priests step into the Jordan River at flood stage, expecting God to do just what He said, and their action said, "We are invested whether we cross on dry ground or whether we drown."  Faith in the unseen.  Faith in the knowledge of God as a promise-keeper.  Faith in a God that has power over the seen and the unseen.

Let's devote our time and energy to expecting God's action and power.  Let's start setting our sails ... for the wind (ruach [Hebrew], pneuma [Greek]) of the Spirit has been given!  Randy

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