Sunday, July 16, 2023

You Gotta Move

Do you ever overcomplicate God's work in your life?  We over think.  We over analyze.  We over plan.  We just plain process God's call until we can place it in the past.  Then we move on ... but not where God wants us.

There is a story Jesus tells us about this.  In Luke 9 the 12 Disciples are sent out.  That important event is the backdrop for Jesus telling the disciples and prospective followers about the cost of discipleship.  The conversation begins with someone saying, "Jesus, I will follow you wherever you go (Luke 9:57)."  But Jesus knows people like this man (and you and me).  Words are easy and sometimes empty.  Jesus tells the man and all who are listening about discipleship, ending the conversation with these words ... "Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

I will let us all ponder on this statement for the coming week, as I pray and plan for our service and message.  But I can't help but think about an old blues song by a group of "found" hippies from the Vietnam Era called the Lost Dogs.  They sing a song we will try to sing Sunday.  It is called, You Gotta Move.  One line goes like this ... You may be high, you may be low, you may be rich child, you may be poor ... but when the Spirit says move, you gotta move.

There is a profoundness to the simplicity to these lyrics.  First, God's activity and action isn't based on your feelings or your situation ... when God wants you to move, you gotta move.  Second, your socio-economic status doesn't matter to God ... when God wants to move you, you gotta move.  When God's Spirit chooses to do something, it moves from an idea to a fact.

So ... are you a fan of Jesus, or are you in the dangerous game of following and serving?  Has the Spirit said "move" to you?  If so, then you gotta move!  

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